
Winning numerous international photography awards mainly from Europe, USA and Japan further reinforces her burning passion for photography particularly in portraits, fashion and beauty. Being a freelance photographer based in Singapore, the bustling metropolitan and an Asian hub where travelling to neighbouring exotic countries is a breeze, gives her the perfect opportunity of capturing images with an edge.
She believes strongly that photography is more than just picking up a camera and pressing the shutter button or be obsessed with the technical aspects of the gears or output image. To her, it is more of a process of interpretation of an artist with three essential steps - gathering of visual information of the subject, processing it in the heart i.e. feel it, and finally output it on a breathtaking image. The fact that every human being feels and perceive differently from one another, there should not be two same images. The true process of creation results in distinctive art pieces while the process of duplication results in strikingly resembling style of work.
With the dawning of the new digital photography age, a truly professional photographer's job is not done with just the output from the camera, of which will become the imput of the post-processing in the digital manner (this step was previously done in the dark room manually). Again, digital post-processing is another step of interpretation, an interpretation of the raw image that should have been in the final output. Capturing the image is only fifty percent of the work done while the other fifty percent comes from perfecting the image for the final output.
In order to appreciate her work of art, please feel free to browse her portfolio.
Jennifer Lam welcomes you to her world of photography, a world where her creative interpretation rules...
See her artist's bio below.
Exhibition & Awards
- May 2016 -- Hoylake Photographic Society (UK)
Member Award: Photojournalism
- Aug 2015 -- Best of Photography 2015 (USA)
Award of Excellence
- Dec 2014 -- Best of Photography 2014 (USA)
Award of Excellence | Finalist
- May 2014 -- 7th Photography Master Cup Award (USA) Nominee for People
Certificate of Honarary Color Master | Nominees Gallery
- Dec 2013 -- Best of Photography 2013 (USA)
Award of Excellence | Finalist
- Nov 2013 -- Travel Photographer of the Year 2013 (USA)
- Oct 2013 --Licentiateship Distinction: Royal Photographic Society (UK)
Official Appointment - Jul 2013 -- Monthly Development Magazine (USA) Front Cover & Inside
- May 2013 -- Stories of Our Time (UK)
List of Winners | Winning Article
- Apr 2013 -- InterAction 11th Annual Photo Contest (USA) Finalist
List of Winner & Finalist
- Jan 2013 -- International Masters of Photography Vol. 1 (USA)
- Dec 2012 -- Best of Photography 2012 (USA)
Award of Excellence | Finalist
- Dec 2012 -- 73rd International Photographic Salon Exhibition (Japan) Honorable Mention
- Sep 2012 -- 2012 Master Photography Awards Diamond Jubilee Awards (UK) Merit Award
- Sep 2012 -- 2012 International Photography Awards (USA) Honorable Mention
Category: Advertising-Beauty | Category: People-Portrait | Category: Editorial-Other - Aug 2012 -- 6th Better Photography Magazine: Photography of the Year 2012 (USA) Bronze Awards
- Jul 2012 -- Photographer's Forum: 32nd Annual Spring Photography Contest - Best of Photography 2012 (USA) Finalist
Certificate of Excellence | Winning Statistics
- Mar 2012 -- London Photographic Association (UK) - Let's Face It 8 Portraiture Commended Photographer
Portfolio Entry | Judges Review
- Dec 2011 -- 72th International Photographic Salon Exhibition (Japan) Honorable Mention
Award Ceremony Review
- Mar 2012 -- 5th Photography Master Cup Award (USA) Nominee for Fashion
Certificate of Honarary Color Master | Nominees Gallery
- Sep 2012 -- 58th Singapore International Photography Award (Singapore)
List of Winners
- May 2012 -- The Shutterbug Photography Award (Australia) Honorable Mention
List of Winners
Born in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and settled in Singapore, Jennifer received her tertiary education in corporate secretarial and is an Associate member of the Institute of Chartered Secretaries & Administrator, bearing the title ACIS.
Her passion for photography and fine art and years of dedication in perfecting the craft has earned her numerous renowned international photography awards including Masters Photography Award (UK), International Photography Award (USA), Master Cup Award (USA), among others.
Publications of her work include the International Masters of Photography Vol. 1, Monthly Development magazine, Best of Photography 2012- 2014, and Scene magazine, to name a few.
Some of her recent group exhibitions include the International Photographic Salon Exhibition in Japan for two consecutive years, MPA and Camden Image Gallery, both in UK.
She is awarded a Licentiateship by the Royal Photographic Society (UK), one of the Distinctions recognised as the most prestigious in the photographic world, bearing the title LRPS and also a licensed portrait photography trainer with the People's Association, a statutory board of the
Singapore government.
... photography is more than just picking up a camera and pressing the shutter button ... it is more of a process of interpretation of an artist ...